Jessie Osti

Young & ambitious Software Developer

"Natural abilities to navigate issues

through probelm solving!"

computer symbol with code

About Me

Who am I?

I'm a software developer located in Adelaide, South Australia.

I took an interest in programming back in 2015 when I was eleven.

I specialise in web development! :)

computer with code

Skills & Experience

What am I experienced in?

I have experience with multiple languages, including:

  • HTML
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • JSON formatting
  • SCSS
  • ...and more!

computer with code


What projects have I developed?

Time Stop Mod

An addon that can control time in minecraft!

Command Block Tutorial World

Over 30+ command block creations!

Morse Code Translator

Fake Operating system of the iPhone 4!


Fake Operating system of the iPhone 4!